Trials In Tainted Space Gender Change

Captain Steele's appearance is detailed on the appearance screen, and the player can customize it throughout the game. There are several scores and body parts that alter the captain's description, potentially altering sex scenes in minor or major ways. Most of these customizations can be done voluntarily through the use of Transformatives or involuntarily by parasites, diseases or forced genetic manipulation.

In trials in tainted space, it didn't go off of stats for bad endings all the time. Stat based bad ends were mostly done through how submissive you became toward an npc. Most bad ends were from you losing either a certain amount of times to a certain enemy, losing in a dungeon, or outright submitting to a character. Trials in Tainted Space is an erotic, ultimately customizable, textual adventure game. It's a game as much about changing your character and those you meet as it is about exploration and adventure. You play as personalized character bent on making his or her fortune among the stars, starting out with only the ship left behind by a deceased father. Most Effective Trials In Tainted Space Grow Penis In 2019. Penis Enlargemenr. He went to speak to the soldiers and told them not to be cannon fodder. On the day after I was born, two reporters. Animation for scene from text-based RPG Trials in Tainted Space Movie 36,089 Views (Adults Only) Corporate Assassin -ep1 by simonhason. Sico Productions 2002©. Trials in Tainted Space (Video Game). I've gotten some questions about the roles of gender and sex for various characters through this series and while I'm happy.


Most of the captain's body can be customized in some way or another, either though increasing or decreasing points in an attribute or by changing the type of the specific body part, its size, color and productivity among many others. If the Captain has the right racial scores it will be labeled with one of several Races.

The parts that the player can currently customize are:

  • Height: A value that decides how tall the captain looks.
  • Femininity: A score from -100 to 100 that decides how masculine or feminine the captain looks.
  • Muscle tone: A score from 0 to 100 that decides how muscularly defined the captain looks.
  • Thickness: A score from 0 to 100 that decides how large the captain looks.
  • Skin: Can be changed in type and color.
  • Face: Can be changed in type.
  • Hair: Can be changed in type, color, length and style.
  • Beard: Can be changed in length and style.
  • Eyes: Can be changed in type and color.
  • Lips: Can be changed in color. Lip size is decided by femininity and the lipmod score.
  • Ears: Can be changed in type.
  • Tongue: Can be changed in type.
  • Horn: Can be changed in type, number and length.
  • Antennae: Can be changed in type and number.
  • Arms: Can be changed in type, but the number is always limited to two.
  • Leg: Can be changed in type and number. More or less than two legs can leave the captain unable to access most sex scenes.
  • Gills: Can be changed whether the PC has them or not.
  • Wings: Can be changed in type and number.
  • Tail: Can be changed in type and number. There are also genitails, a tail with the characteristics of a genital and can access specific sex scenes.
  • Penis: Can be changed in type, color, length, thickness and knot thickness. Unlike other body parts each penis can have its own individual type.
  • Testicle: Can be changed in size and number.
  • Vagina: Can be changed in type, color, capacity, looseness and wetness.
  • Asshole: Can be changed in capacity, looseness and wetness.
  • Clit: Can be changed in length and number.
  • Chest: Can be changed in size and number.
  • Nipple: Can be changed in size, color, number and type.
  • Hips: Can be changed in size.
  • Butt: Can be changed in size.
  • Belly: Can be changed in size.
  • Milk: can be changed in type and productivity.
  • Cum : can be changed in type and productivity.
  • Girl-Cum: can be changed in type and productivity.
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UPDATE 0.7.2


Trials In Tainted Space Gender Change Process

  • New Enemies:

    - Lizardman Acolyte

    - Huge Rat

    - Wererat

  • New Quest:

    - Noises in the basement (Bareshade / Bar)

    - Rats! (Bareshade / Bar)

    - Extra resources (Bandit’s Camp / Jester)

  • New Options:

    - Hunting with Bernard (Forest – Hut)

    - First you need to ask him about the hunting in the shop. Occurs every Friday evening. With the like at least 40 there’s an option which moves the relationship on the next level.

    - Outdoor fun (Bareshade)

    - Conversation with Jester (Bandit’s Camp)

    - Few more topics with NPCs (Bareshade)

    - More scenes (Bareshade / Hot Spring)

    - Male dominant, Female submissive, bath with Hayden

    - Werewolf, new dominate way (Forest)

  • New Items and Recipes:

    - Regen Powder, Lust-Regen Powder, Erogenous Powder (All of those items can be found after defeating the acolyte. With item in your inventory you can do some study back at home to learn new recipes).

    - Nut Mash (Check the ‘old book’ in your house)


  • Relationship screen

    - I decided to make those numbers visible, so now it’s easier to see how much certain people likes you.

  • Talk screen

    - The previous system was mostly rng, so to get all the talks sometimes there was need to repeat the same action over and over again. Now in certain places there’s a special window with the list of topics you can ask the other person (It also shows which topics are new).

  • Animal training screen

    - It’s only dog for now, but it’s easier to see how the animal likes you, also how much energy it have (Which is needed to learn new tricks).

    - Dog can also be taught “Search” command now. It’ll bring back a random resource.


  • Bandit – third version

  • Lumberjack

  • Werewolf

    All of those made by ZoroJ.

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May 26, 2019
May 26, 2019

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I also don't know how to do anything with the dog, whenever I try to name it it doesn't work. And that's the only option I have. Also, is there any way of progressing in the game right now after running food and drink errands for the jester and telling Bernard about it? It just kinda feels like I'm stuck. If that's it for now I totally understand. Sorry for all the questions and thank you so much for your work and effort on this game, it really paid off. :)

EDIT: It also feels like sneaking into the camp to defeat the bosses would be a next step but idk if that's possible now, if it is, do I need to improve my relationship with the bandits by increasing their attitude?

So to answer your question from the previous comment: you have to go to the abandoned hut in the forest at friday night. The event is happening over there, not in the shop in Bareshade.

The dog is still being improved. You should have a new icon in the reinforcement screen (The one where you upgrade buildings).

There's not much to do in this update if it comes to bandits. In 0.9 there will be a boss fight.

Alrighty, so quick question for you all. How exactly can I get Bernard to go on a hunt with me? I already talked to him about hunting many times and I know I need to go over there and talk to him on Fridays, but though it says Friday evenings are when he can go out, the shop is closed at night and I lose my chance. When I talk to him in the day on Friday, nothing comes up. Just the normal talk subjects. Do you guys have any advice?

P.S. I have a high enough relationship with him too to move things further.

Trials In Tainted Space Gender Changes

i love this game is so entertaining, but i'm having trauble with the los acolytes i'm just missing one but i can't find it

The following places you can find them in are the Dark or normal Swamp, Forest or Lake, and the Ruin at a certain time.

For the one in the Ruin, there should be some warriors that are skipping sparring match somewhere around night time or before morning that leads to her if you make the right choices.

Hi I really like your game and I was wondering if u can sleep with the shopkeeper and if yes how


It's not possible yet.

You can use Love Potion on him, that lead to a naughty scene with him. But using that also makes him like you less. Also it's only for males for now.

Love the update, keep up the good work!

Harry potter and the forbidden journey full movie, online, free. P.S What is the Gay Potion for?

Thanks, glad you like it.

It's for a quick change your orientation. You can change quickly from gay to straight or the other way around by using potions.

There's a bug where if you save your game with a love potion but then reload that save file, the love potion is gone and I think it also takes away the materials used for the love potion? I had like 6 on me so that I could test them out on different people/enemies but then I reloaded my save file right after I had gotten the 'Mastered Potion' tier for the Love Potion and not only were all of my Love Potions gone but also the MP tier as well

That's actually a ren'py things. For now I can only suggest to move somewhere after doing things on the screens and save then. I'm trying to find a way to do something with it.

Oh man..that lumberjack model :drool. Hope we get to see more interactions with him in the future!

Trials In Tainted Space Gender Changer

Keep up the great work :)

Trials In Tainted Space Gender Changed

How do you see the third version of the Bandit?

There will be more interaction with everyone in the Bareshade. I'm focusing more on shopkeeper now, but there will be time for others too.

Gta 5 fur macbook. Just tease bandit more. There's normal version, bandit libido at least 20 change it into second version and above 65 it's a third version.

i dont suppose you have ideas of things like bad ends similar to trials in tainted space, do you?

Actually, I have a plan for bad endings. There's a 'Sanity' stat. It does nothing yet, but finally I plan to use it in certain battles and when it hits 0 then there will be a different losing scene. I'm not sure how it was resolved in trials.

in trials in tainted space, it didn't go off of stats for bad endings all the time. Stat based bad ends were mostly done through how submissive you became toward an npc. Most bad ends were from you losing either a certain amount of times to a certain enemy, losing in a dungeon, or outright submitting to a character. I would suggest sleeping or crafting to reduce sanity, but the affect of sanity would also result in the character moving to an area over night

this is coming along so well, Im excited to see the how big it'll end up being😍

I have tons of ideas, so if I'll be able to put them all into the game then it's going to be big :D

I am going to guess that the lizardess enemy might be found in the same place as the Warriors are found, which is in the Swamps i think?

I was guessing she will be in one of them, i will have a look at her scenes when i look around in there when i come back on here, also, the dog does not seem to have the train option when interacting with him at home, i only see nothing or to name him.

Never mind about the rats having problems with the happy meter going the wrong way when it comes to submitting to those guys, it seem to be working now, maybe it was a bug or something?·View all by Hyao·Report